Instrument Rating!

This post has been long in the making. In my previous post from my failed instrument check ride, many things have happened in my life. In the time from that ride, I have sold my home, welcomed our new baby, found another house, and COVID-19. To say that this last year and a half has been stressful is an understatement.
However, I am happy to report that I am now instrument rated. So much time had elapsed since the last ride that I pretty much had to start training again from square one. It was difficult to get back in the saddle and I realized just how fast instrument skills atrophy. The first few lessons back flying, It felt like I had never flown an approach before. It was quite a humbling experience.
With a lot of studying and training, I was able to quickly regain my composure and skill. This took many hours of chair flying and so many approaches that I could almost brief the approach plates by heart. Lastly, I owe a big thanks to my CFII for not letting me relax and pushing me to the next level. I plan on continuing to pursue more advanced ratings. My next goal is my commercial certificate and perhaps tailwheel endorsement.
If you have completed a rating or endorsement this past year, let me know in the comments. This past year has tested all of us in the aviation industry. Remember, this will all pass and with a little hope, the industry will come back roaring like a lion.