Flight to Blue Ridge Regional

Myself and one of my good friends decided to take his Cessna 150 on a long trip “long by C-150 Standards”. We departed Chesapeake Regional (KCPK) and flew to Blue Ridge Regional (KMTV) on a sunny and calm day. This was my first time behind the controls of a 150, the majority of my time is in 172’s. I was really looking forward to this trip for two reasons, First; was this would be the longest flight from Chesapeake that I have flown, and secondly; This would complete my fifty hours of cross-country time that I needed for my Instrument check ride. The flight from Chesapeake was great. The visibility was good and the temperature was mild. What I didn’t expect was the slow ground speed of the poor 150. We where cruising at 80 KIAS with a ground speed of 70 knots. 80 KIAS is within the white arc. The climb performance with two adults and full fuel was also abysmal. However, the 150 is a great flier, she handles well and is very docile. I am not sure I would buy one over a 172, unless it was a steal. Back to the trip, Blue Ridge has a restaurant in the terminal building that is really good. The service from the FBO staff was also great. Seemed like a really great place to go out and explore if I had more time. I recommend anyone in southeast Virginia to visit this airport, It sits right at the edge of the mountains. Our flight back to Chesapeake was much like the flight there……slow. I did enjoy the flight, despite the lack of ground speed. Gives you time to sit back and actually enjoy flying and looking out the window thinking how fortunate we are in this country to be able to enjoy general aviation. Now I have to get my head back in the books and study for my instrument oral/practical in two weeks…Wish me luck!